
Introducing alphaOS: Suite of Tools for Product Managers

Now, you can build product roadmaps for your product features, modules, and more. All under one account.

Karthik Kamalakannan

Karthik Kamalakannan

Introducing alphaOS: Suite of Tools for Product Managers

Today, we're excited to announce the merger of featureOS (formerly featureOS), and helpOS into a single unified platform called alphaOS. This is a huge step forward for us, and we're excited to share the plans with you.

What is alphaOS?

alphaOS is a suite of product management tools for product managers, product owners, and product teams to make data-driven decisions. alphaOS is starting its journey with two products: featureOS and helpOS. We will soon be expanding to more products to create a unified product management experience.

Products under alphaOS suite

We are currently starting with two products under the alphaOS suite:

featureOS (formerly featureOS) helps product managers collect, prioritize, and act on customer feedback. featureOS is best used after a product ships, and you want to collect feedback from your customers to build a better product.

helpOS is the most advanced knowledge base software in the world with unique features like real-time collaboration, approval workflows, and more. helpOS is best used when you want to build a knowledge base for your product, or your company.

What's next?

We are on the journey to create an operating system for product managers, by building tools that are reliable, and easy to use. We are excited to share more updates with you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

A single umbrella brand

We believe that alphaOS is the best thing that is happening to the product manager community. Product managers are the most underrated people who are equipped with tools that are not built for them. We are on a mission to change that. Product managers need tools that works for them, speaks their language, and helps them make data-driven decision. We are that toolset for product managers.

We can't wait to take you on this experience and journey with us. Thank you for all your support. Onwards and upwards!

Last updated: November 14th, 2023 at 11:07:00 AM GMT+0


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